A day in Paris, France (Part three)

After having a feisty meal at the Italian restaurant I usually slow it down, by taking the long walking tour of Paris to my favorite ‘Arc de Triomphe’. Why is it my favorite? Well, it’s something to do with the grandeur, nobility, and liberty that Arc stands for. You must give yourself the tiring exercise of climbing up the stairs of the Arc de Triomphe. I remember not stopping to spiral up the narrow staircases of my favorite de Triomphe when I first visited it. 

(My favorite view of the Eiffel Tower; on the way to Arc De Triomphe)

 And of course, the view is worth every step you took at the top! 

Ah! The view of the Champs-Elysées! One of the 12 streets that visibly circle the Arc de Triomphe, speaking of all the history and battles it must have witnessed. As if telling you the story and the pride of its present existence and naively hiding all that it’s made of.

Paris talks to you, its buildings talk to you. Every car, every traffic rule, every beautiful division of the street and the boulangerie on those streets speak to you of their perfect identity – into what is collectively and individually called – ‘Paris.’

A day in Paris, France was a work divided into three pieces

Bonjournée, Au revoir!

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